Saturday, February 14, 2009

Living in a winter wonderland!

It's crazy to think that two weeks ago I was posting pictures at the park, and one week ago we had a day that hit 63*. Today is blizzard-like. We are covered in snow and as ready as I am for spring, it's still beautiful!

This is our park, we were just there last week

Driving home through my neighborhood

Another park very close to our house

Ayla's trip to Children's Hospital

It's been another one of 'those' weeks here in Splonskowskiville. Monday was a very normal day for us. We ate, played, napped, all was well. Ayla went to gymnastics on Monday night as usual and had a great time. About 10 minutes after we put her to bed I heard wretching and went in to find her and her bed covered in vomit. Ugh. As those of you with children know, sometimes a kid will randomly puke with no reason and go on their merry way as if it never happened. Weird but true! She was acting normal so I bathed her, changed her sheets and tossed her back in bed. Ten minutes later...same thing. Hmm, I had her back in the tub before her hair was even dry from bath #1.
Basically from that point on, it didn't stop. She had it coming out of both ends and couldn't keep anything down at all. In the morning, I called my mom to bring some sheets/blankets from her house because we had gone through five, yes FIVE sets of sheets, countless blankets and towels and I couldn't keep up. We were using them faster than they could be washed and dried. By early afternoon on Tuesday, I had taken her into the ped. Poor kiddo had Rotovirus. She was dehydrated and admitted to Children's Hospital for fluids.
It took 4 sticks to get her IV in because her poor little veins were flat and fragile from being dehydrated. That was a horrible half hour and I wasn't even in there, Darren was! Once they got her IV in, they started her on IV fluids and gave her some iv medication for nausea. She had gotten SIX HOURS of fluids before she was hydrated enough to even pee. She was such a sad little pumpkin. At about 10pm she started perking up quite a bit. The poops had slowed down, she wasn't vomitting and she was finally hydrated. She played a bit in her room and we were able to take her home at about 11pm.
I don't think it is standard to send a kiddo home like this but we really wanted to take her home. We knew she'd rest better and feel more at ease. Because Darren and I are "medical" people, they let us go. Thank goodness!!
This is shortly after iv meds, they made her tired Playing with Papa

Sitting on GiGi's lap

Relaxing in her bed, finally able to keep some gatorade down

Finally got to get rid of the diaper too....yay for no liquid poops!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

I think we have a "Fancy Nancy" in the making.....

Have you ever seen or read the "Fancy Nancy" series of books? They're very cute and Ayla really likes them. They star a little red headed girl...maybe 4ish who loves to be fancy. She dresses fancy, speaks fancy, eats fancy etc. It's comical because her fanciness(if that's a word) is based on toddler/preschool aged standards.

Today Fancy Ayla made her debut and let me just tell you, she was looking FANCY for sure! She thought it was so fun and was dancing and singing. I'll have to video next time but for now I have some pics

Looking sweet, working the camera

Check me out

She's got the moves too

Simple picture but adorable dimple

The princess on her "throne" Hahahaha!!

Have a happy Monday........................

Monday, February 2, 2009

Crabby, crabby make me HAPPY!

We decided, kind of last minute to have a few familiy and friends over for the game on Sunday. We had just gotten a 20lb box of King Crab legs and figured we'd do crab for dinner. These are the BIGGEST and BEST crab legs I have ever had, ever! We had 8 adults and went through about 10lbs.
Here they are...ready to be grilled
Seriously scary!
We had huge piles of shells left at the end

3D half-time event

Can't leave baby Cady out of the fun!


Daddy horsey....hahahaha!!!
I am soo glad that we ended up having a little get together. We are truly blessed with fabulous family and friends!!!

Super Saturday...

God heard my prayers and blessed me with a spring-like day in January! Saturday, we had a high of 53*!! AMAZING! We packed up the dogs and the jogging stroller and headed to the park! I didn't care that Ayla and the dogs were going to be full of mud, I didn't care that we would all have wet pants from the knee down and I didn't care that the inside of the minivan would look like mud wrestlers had gone for a ride. We NEEDED to feel the sun on our skin and the wind in our hair. We needed to breath in the cool fresh air and run. We did! So amazing, we were there for almost 2 hours. We put Ayla in the jogging stroller and did a lap around Memorial Park. We played on the playground euipment and even the dogs joined the 'dog party' in the middle of the park.

Ayla on the twirly slide
Here I come!
There were about 10 dogs to run and play