Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Ayla-ism

What am I going to do when this little girl turns 16....or even 6 for that matter.

Last night while I was mowing the lawn(something I discovered I LOVE to do last summer), Darren and Ayla ran to the store to get lawn bags. I was finished mowing when they returned and sitting out on the patio. Ayla comes walking up and climbs up on the chair next to me. She had a package of M&Ms in her hand. In the most matter of fact voice she says "I wanted a toy" The rest of our conversation was as follows.

Me - You did?
Ayla - Yeah, Daddy said no. I cried....threw a fit
Me - Oh no, why did you do that?
Ayla - I don't know, he got me M&Ms though.

Seriously. Seriously?? Oh, I think we're gonna be in trouble with this little lady.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New home for the Splonskowskis in 2009!

We have big news...we've purchased a lot out west, signed papers and dropped a deposit - we'll be moving to our new home in October/November time frame 2009!! We've been talking of taking the westward plunge for 18 months or so. My family is out there, many of our closest friends, our gym, church, Ayla's school - it only made sense. Not to mention, if we decide to do public schools rather than private, we wanted her in Millard.
The house is a ranch and we'll end up with about 3500 square feet of finished house. There are three bedrooms on the main floor and one in the basement. The basement will be finished and is a walkout. There are two gas fireplaces. Fun! We have a HUGE back yard that faces beautiful, mature trees that are just budding and a creek. Our lot is kind of pie shaped, it fans out in the back and the lot line actually goes down to the creek itself. We were there a couple of evenings ago and just standing on the lot could here frogs and crickets....we loved it! I can totally imagine sitting on the deck late at night, sipping camomile tea and just taking it all in. Sounds heavenly, huh?
There is a small lake that you can see part of from our lot(we aren't on the lake, it's across the street) that has a playground...Ayla's already been there to check it out and given her approval.
I even love the street lights!

This is the lot head on, it's basically a big hill for the walkout.

This is standing mid lot looking toward the back *lovin' the trees* The black 'fence' is up for consrtuction purposes.

Ayla loves her lot too, she asks to go there often

This is from the end of the culdesac. Ours is the obvious orange sold sign between the two light posts. We're the 5th lot from the corner(which you can't see but is to the left around the corner).

Here is the model. Ours will have stone that continues above the 2 stall garage area and also to the right, where the window is will be covered in stone as well. We've picked a different stone and house color from what is shown.

Now we have to sell our current home! Please pray for it to sell fairly quickly and for a good price!!! We'll be living with my parents until the new house is finished, if we have to move out before hand. YIKES! More yikes for them than us :)


Two year olds are funny. REALLY funny. Well, either that or I seriously need to be getting out more! Maybe a little of both!?!?

So...last week I was driving Ayla to school and she says out of nowhere "Mommmy, not call me Ayla anymore" What? So I repeated this to her "You don't want me to call you Ayla? What should I call you?"





"Just call me sweetheart mommy"

Where does she come up with these things? She also calls Darren and I by our first names on a regular basis. At least a couple of times a day she'll call to me from another room "Jaaamiiiie" and she asked me last night when 'Darren' would be home from work.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring has SPRUNG.....finally

Our weather is warming...we're supposed to hit mid 80's this weekend!! I am excited beyond belief! Here are a few pics from our yard...


Okay, so I'm a tad're getting used to it though, right?? Easter was F-U-N this year. Ayla was very excited about looking for eggs...not quite as excited as about the Easter Bunny himself though. We had another screaming/trying to escape the Easter Bunny photo with him this year. I haven't scanned it in though, I may get to that eventually.

We colored eggs the night before Easter, Ayla thought that was fabulous. She also colored eggs at my mom and dad's house the previous week, lucky little girl!! As much fun as she thinks they are, she does NOT like to eat them. She took one bite and then gagged and dry heaved for a good five minutes. Being the loving and caring mommy that I am....I could not stop laughing. It was soooo funny. Poor kiddo. She loves coleslaw/potato salad etc so I did give her an egg salad sandwich later and she liked that. Must have been a texture thing.

Ayla and I did a little photoshoot in her Easter outfit. She thought it was okay because she had eggs to play with. "Cheese" doesn't get much of a smile from her these days so we've moved on to things like "Yo Gabba Gabba panties!!" and "Daddy dances silly!!"

Easter morning was sweet for us. When Ayla woke up the first thing she said was "Mommy, did the Easter Bunny come?" I asked her what Easter means and she said "Jesus came back to save us" Awww!
We had a little egg hunt in the living room and she tore through her basket. She got a little chocolate bunny but no other candy. She ate her bunny for breakfast ((rolls eyes)). After church we went to my Aunt Julie's house and had an amazing lunch. Ayla ended up with FOUR MORE EASTER BASKETS FULL OF CANDY! Yikes. She was on the sugar high of all sugar highs. I did get rid of everything though...dropped it off at the homeless shelter! I hope everyone else had a fun day too!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Okay, I forgot about the St Patrick's Day Parade...a day at the park and the fact that my two year old ate an entire corndog(yes, I fed her a corndog...eek!) at the airport. Copy and paste this link into your'll take you to our last month in pictures! DON'T click the doesn't work. You have to copy and paste. Sorry, I'm not exactly computer savvy.

Inlaws, birthdays, bunnies, airplane rides and earrings(Is that a bit much??)

I swore I wouldn't get this behind again...but here I am!! I have TONS of pictures to post so in the interest of time and my own personal laziness, I am going to download them to shutterfly and post the link! Ghetto, I know but I have to resize eveything before I post it here and that would take way too long.

Darren's parents(John and Carol) were here for about a week a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty excititng for Ayla. It was the first time that she totally understood who they were and that they were coming. She had so much fun with them. She adores her "Grampa John" and spent lots of time following him around and watching him. She got "Gramma Carol" to read her lots of stories, which is one of her favorite activities.

We went to Kobe Steak House for dinner one night with my parents, John & Carol and Tom & Sabrina - it's amazing food! They cook at your table and do all kinds of was fun and Ayla was mesmerized. We celebrated Tommy and my mom's birthdays too. Yum-yum-yum!!

We also got Ayla's ears pierced while they were here. I did it once before when she was 4-5 months but they were crooked and I ended up taking them out that same night. It wasn't planned at all - we happened to be walking through the mall, I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced and to my surprise she said "yes". It wasn't very dramatic at all. I asked her several times if she was sure she wanted them - I even took her to potty and came back. She was sure. She picked out the little pink "diamonds" and sat very still while they cleaned and marked her ears. I put her on my lap and put my arm around her so she couldn't raise her arms up and that freaked her out a little, she started to fuss and 1...2...3....SNAP! They were done. She cried for 3 seconds....long enough for them to hold up the mirror at which point she went from Waaah to "Oohhhh, pretty!" She's a girly girl, that's for sure!! At any rate, they're adorable and so is she. I'm really glad we got them done while she's young enough that I can take care of them. They've been really easy so far and she doesn't touch them at grubby hands touching them = no infections!

BUNNIES!! Crazy as it is....we now have two bunnies. We have a black bunny named Ming-ming and a white bunny with brown spots named Sprinkles. They are sweet, cute, litter trained and Ayla loves them. We were considering getting her a bunny for Easter and in our research learned that they do better in pairs. As crazy as it sounds, bunnies are kind of hard to find in Omaha and with Easter coming up, we got them when we found them. They aren't as much work as I anticipated and because they're litter trained, they're virtually smell-free. VERY convenient. Ayla loves to feed them and pet them.

Last week we flew to St Louis for a very dear friend's first birthday! Happy 1st birthday Kendall!!! Ayla was great and we made the whole weekend about her. We flew in on Friday and checked in early. We hung out at the hotel, swam, had lunch, day. Saturday was rainy but fortunately Kendall's party was indoors! It was soo fun. It was at a carousel park. We roda on the carousel a bunch of times, played, ate, had cake. It really was a great time. Ayla cried that night because she wanted to go back to Kendall's party and see Jenni(Kendall's mom). We also went to the children's museum which is 10 times the size of ours. It was fun for all of us!! We also went to a kid's movie, playground, the mall, more shopping, the Arch and swam about 10 times! Ayla liked being on the plane and was very well behaved. I'm sure it helped that the flight is only 50 minutes :)

I also had an HSG this month. It is a test where they fill your uterus and fallopian tubes with dye and through radiology are able to check that everything is open and shaped correctly. I got the all clear. The type of miscarriage that I had in November is kind of rare and carries some weird risks of recurrence. Anyway, all is clear and April will bring doses of clomid and hopefully a baby soon after!

I think that covers our last month or so in a nut shell. I'll post links to pictures this afternoon!