Friday, June 17, 2011

Random cuteness

Ayla was giving her doll a bath today in her old tub from when she was a baby. Well, without real water or soap. After awhile she shouted out from the living room "Hey Mom, I still fit!" She such a goofball. Chary has recently started sitting on the potty. She hasn't actually gone yet, but she talks about it and likes to practice. She also likes to read. One time she was sitting on the potty and while trying to go, she tooted. She looked alarmed and yelled "OH! POOP!"
Ayla had a princess feast the other day. She made sure to feed Ariel, Aurora, Belle and Rapunzel based on what they "ordered" from her.

These are Ayla photographs. Almost every time I upload pictures to the computer, I find pictures that she has snuck off and taken. I decided post a few, they totally crack me up.

The soap in her bathroom

A close up of one of the pillows on her bed

A close up of her with what appears to be a really large nose.Things are going well for us. Dailon is staying home from school on Wednesdays so that he can do fun summer activities with us. So far we've been to the zoo, the pool and enjoyed a picnic at the park. He enjoys being home and being a apart of the action and the girls love having him around.

C&D's case is big mess right now. Goal is still listed as reunification with bio parents but you-know-what has been hitting the fan lately. They don't want the kids to go on vacation with us in July, they'd rather they go to respite(a stranger's home, who is licensed with the state) than go with us. Definitely NOT in the best interest of the kids however that doesn't seem to matter to them, ever. The kids have come so far in building trust and improving behaviors. It would send them into a downward spiral to move them for a week. Now it is in the hands of the courts so we take a deep breath and pray that whatever happens is God's will and all will turn out the way that is supposed to.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's feeling like summer...

It seems that "spring" may have passed us by this year. It pretty much went from cold to hot. The whole last week was full of 100* days! The bad in that is that all of my new plants and flowers are not very happy about the weather despite the fact that they are being watered generously. Our kids are also being watered generously....they're much happier about it though.

Ayla is in level two swimming lessons and is doing great. She jumps into the deep water by herself and doggy paddles to the side. She swims with her face in the water(see below) and just loves the water. Chary and Dailon are obssessed with the pool. They hadn't ever been in a pooland didn't even know what a pool was until a few weeks ago.

A little balancing beam action on her pool break

She's always serious about food. Even more so when it's a special sweet treat.

Hooray for summer weather!

Preschool Graduation

My baby is going to be 5 in a few months. Five. How does that happen? How do they grow so fast? I really don't get it. It seems crazy to me that you can bring home a not-quite 5 pound baby and then they turn two and then they're almost 5. That fast. Sigh.

Ayla misses the birthday cut off of October 15th so she will be starting kindergarten next year, when she's almost 6. I'm glad, we would have waited anyway. We coul dhave had her take a test and start K early but we're just not interested. She's a very smart little girl but we really feel like having that extra year will be a good thing for her. Especially when she's 12(boys!) or 16(driving!) or 18(college!).

Now we say good-bye to Imagine and Explore Preschool and good-bye to Miss Darcy. We LOVE Miss Darcy, no way could we have asked for a better teacher and we were lucky enough to have her for TWO years! I hope that we are lucky enough to have her again someday... Ayla's BFF, Caleb, also graduated from I&E. He's going to kindergarten in the fall.

Picture with Gigi

My mom got her an ice cream cake for a celebratory dessert, Ayla was quite proud of her cake

In the fall, Ayla will be off to 5 day a week Pre-K at the Millard Education Foundation's early childhood center. Just in the afternoon.