Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Valentines's Day...a little late.

One of the most fun things about having kids at holiday times, is how exciting and new they make it. It's fun again. I was excited about making Valentines...decorating the fun foods...all of it. We pulled out the cardstock, stickers, paper, glue, glitter, lace, scissors, and markers - then, we went TO TOWN! We spent hours at the kitchen table making special valentines for the kids in Ayla's preschool class. We personalized them with why she loves each one of them. I wrote it out...she put her name on the backs. Then we attached them to little goody bags we had made for the kids.... Her school party was cute and fun. There were activities, games and crafts. This is Ayla decorating her own little heart shaped cookie.

Bossy and Grace

I thought it was time for Boston and Grace to say hello again, the naughty mutts that they are.
Hello Bossy, you look so obedient. He's good at looking that way. This is Grace wearing Ayla's fur trim, from her hood, as a wig :) I'm pretty sure she wouldn't look at the camera because she was embarrassed

The World's Greatest Gigi!

We've been blessed with the world's greatest Gigi. She was(is) a great mom but there is no better Gigi, for SURE. She's the Gigi to her neighborhood kids, of course her two grandchildren and any and every kid she runs into. She's the kind of Gigi that always has treats in her pocket or purse. Who gets down on the floor and plays for hours. Who doesn't mind the mess of paint, crafts and play-doh. Who snuggles and loves, tickles and plays and gives in as long as it's safe to do so.
These pictures were taken the night of the SuperBowl....Ayla and close family friend Caleb waking Gigi up from her nap on the couch!

As you can see, she didn't mind one bit. We love you Gigi!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just a few pics...

Ayla eating breakfast with her bedhead. Pretending to look at me but watching Dora Isn't this amazing??? I wrote the top line and she did the other two, ALL BY HERSELF!!
Bowling in her clown shoes, the smallest size they had :)

Yeah, it's been a month!

I suck, huh?? We're still alive and kicking, just busy as ever.

In January we.....
celebrated my dad's birthday :)
got buried in snow, again :(
had my fertility cycle cancelled due to low estrogen levels :(
spent lots of time hanging out with family and friends :)
started swimming lessons for Ayla :)
got a big scare involving a brain mass in my 18 year old cousin :(
got SUPER news that the mass was an abcess and could be treated with iv antibiotics :)
remained buried in snow :(
went bowling :)
fell in love with Gymboree's new daisy line :)
made big messes and had lots of fun with play-doh :)
GOT MY CLEANING LADIES BACK!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
helped Ayla learn to write her name :)
had too many snow days :(
got our dogs to submit to the invisible fence :)

I'll be better. Promise.