Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Traveling cowgirl

I have 110 things to do before we leave for Boise tomorrow morning. However, Ayla napped from 2:30-6pm and Darren is at the hospital seeing patients so.... she's 'helping'. I couldn't help but snap a few shots of her though - Tinkerbell panties and a very stylish cowgirl hat, what else could a two year old possibly need for travel. I asked her if she thought she needed some clothes and she said "Nope. They're in my suitcase" I guess we shouldn't have any problems getting her through security :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Miss Ayla-Monster...

This is Ayla's common name these days. She is such a little character, I had no idea how truly funny these crazy little toddlers are. Right nolw she is loving Yo Gabba Gabba. She has the little figures and carts them all through the house. She is allowed to sleep with, take outside and travel with only one at a time however. You'd think the world was ending if we can't find one at any given moment. This is Ayla having dinner with her "Guys" - Brobee, Muno, Plex, Foofa and Toodee... We have new Aylaisms everyday. She doesn't really know that there are bad words but she's heard a few***blushing***. I was in my bathroom getting ready a week or so ago and she was playing on my bed with the dogs. I heard a thump and then "Oh, dammit" I bit my lip and pretended not to hear. She came in and said that she fell and I asked her if she said 'Oh nuts'....she said "No, I said dammit!" I held back my smile and told her that it wasn't a very nice word and if I fell, I would say 'Oh nuts'. She shrugged and said "Okay, oh nuts!" I then went into my closet where I could laugh...I cracked up all afternoon about that one. Does she not just look like a little devil here?

We recently stopped by a few garage sales(because I love them!) and Ayla was looking around. She was standing right next to the woman who lived there and looks at me and says "They have a lot of junk." Yeppers....time to go.

I have to share one more, it happens to be my dad's favorite. Ayla needed to pick up her toys and she was standing around checking out her mess, she mumbles to herself "I need to clean up all of this crap" I've added 'junk' and 'crap' to my list of do not use words.

This is just Ayla being silly and showing off her cute litte toddler tummy, oh how I love kissing that little belly!

By the way, if you notice the scar to your right of her belly button(just slightly above) that is from her intestinal surgery as a three pound neonate. They removed part of her colon, her appendix, an ovarian cyst and an accessory spleen. That scar was an inch long but it has grown with her. Also, her belly button was an innie until her surgery, it's been a big ol' outie ever since. Just some interesting Ayla fun facts!

This weekend Darren's parent's came down to visit, it was fun as always. Ayla really looks forward to seeing them now, it's pretty cute. Carol taught Ayla to call her Grandma Carol instead of the "Grandma Camel" that she's been calling her. Grandpa John took her swimming at their hotel...she's still talking about it. They stayed in a hotel because our home is on the market and we could be asked to get out for a showing at a moments notice. It'll be nice once we move and don't have any of those worries.

Saturday night Ayla stayed at their hotel with them. She went to bed at 11pm, woke at 12:30AM AND 2:30AM then got up for the day at 5:30am. Yikes! We'll see if they ever want her overnight again!! I suppose it had something to do with the fact that she had a touch of a cold and was in a new place. John slept through most of it and Carol was a little tired on Sunday!

On Sunday we went to Chalco Hills for a picnic and fishing. My friend Holly and her kids joined us. It was a really fun day. We grilled burgers and hot dogs along with plenty of other food and hung out...relaxing and nice! The dogs came along since we had an open house and were in hog heaven, they ran and swam all afternoon. Ayla had a cookie for dessert...MMmmm, icing!

Then she crashed. She'd had a very busy night making sure the Grandma Carol knew she was there, haha!!

This has absolutely nothing to do with this weekend, but they were too funny not to share. This is Ayla going potty and looking through a circular for toys. This kid is just too much sometimes!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Aylaisms...because they're so fun to share

Silly little Ayla has been at it again. She is just plain funny sometimes, most of the time actually. Last week we'd been to the dog park, kid park, grocery store....I had Ayla and the dogs in the car(for yet another house showing) and Ayla was tired and cranky. She was fussing about everything, crabbing at the dogs and out of frustration I said "Ayla, what in the world am I going to do with you?" Her response.........................................................................................
..............................................."I think I need my butt spanked". WHAT!?!?!?! I just cracked up, no idea what to say. She's only been spanked a few times ever so it kind of came out of nowhere. She definitely can lighten the mood though.

Not meeee Monday!

Woohoo, here we go again.

I haven't completely given up the fight of keeping Ayla in her bed. I definitely do not allow and even welcome her to our bed...every single night.

I haven't been recognized in Gymboree, by the staff, who know Ayla and myself by name.

I wasn't tempted to burst through the front door of my own home when it was being shown for the 579th time in a week screaming "BUY IT OR GET THE F*** OUT!!". This was after they should have been out 30 minutes prior and I was sitting in the van with my hungry and tired 2 year old, 2 hungry dogs and a rotiserie chicken!

I never purposely turn all of the ringers off so I don't have to bothered with the phone.

Alright, since it was brought to my attention - I''ll add this one too. I didn't ask Gracie(my DOG) who happened to be sitting in the front passenger seat while I was driving "Can I get over?" I then glanced at her and realized I was talking to my k9 and not my husband!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Living in limbo

We heard back from the realtor this morning. The couple who made the offer is still very interested. Apparently, the issue is that they don't have a big enough down payment for our asking price. Their realtor told them that there is some way to use the $8000 first time home buyers tax credit as part of their down payment, they have to work it out with their banker on Monday. I know they really want the house though... their realtor even asked our realtor to call him right away if someone else shows interest. In the meantime, we have an open house tomorrow from 1-3. we wait.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Say your prayers!!!!

Our home has been on the market for 13 days. We have had 6 showings this week, 3 today alone. One of the showings this evening is a 2nd visit...they were just here last night. I am hoping, praying, fingers crossed that they make us an offer. It would be AMAZING to have our house sold and not have to worry about keeping a pristine appearance with a toddler and two dogs. Not to mention the fact that we could actually be home at dinner time instead of at the park or my parents house with our dogs and child.
Please, please, PLEASE!
They were supposed to be here from 6-7pm. I had to wait across the street in my car until almost 7:30pm. They brought one set of parents to look too!
******UPDATE 2*******
We got an offer! It's $15,000 less than our asking price though. We are meeting with our realtor this afternoon to come up with a counter offer. We won't go more than $5,000 lower than our asking price right now. We haven't had our first open house yet and pictures have only been online since Monday. Hopefully they want our house that badly!!! Keep praying!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Not ME!!

It's that time again. I'm starting to feel a little self conscious though....we'll see how long these"not me" Mondays last!!

Okay, I didn't skip going to Grandma's house on Mother's Day because I wanted to hang out with my husband and daughter...I DID go today though.

I didn't knock Ayla down two cement steps with a grocery bag and not even know until she started to scream!! Bad mommy.

I didn't "forget" to cancel my original cleaning ladies so that my house gets cleaned twice this week(((((((SHhhhhhh))))))) They are cancelled now though...and we had a showing today, good thing they came ;)

I didn't hide 5-6 pair of shoes in a cooler in the basement before our house was shown today

I'm just going to stop here, that's all I can fess up to at one time......I bet you can't wait for next week!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day....

It's funny how Mother's Day changes. When I was young, it meant being really well behaved and making my mom breakfast. Later...maybe in my early 20's, it meant more. I started to realize that some of those awful rules and punishments may really have been for my own good ;)
On my first Mother's Day as a mommy, it was kind of fun but still seemed to be about my own mom. Now, it is such a mix of emotions. I have such a respect and love for my own mother - I have always respected and loved my mother but this is different. A new found understanding of what life is really all about. It really is hard to put into words. It's crazy to finally "get" just how much my own mom loves me and all of the sacrifices she's made for me. All I can think is "WOW, what an amazing woman she is!" Our lives have not been easy, our family has bounced up and down with personal and health issues through the years but there has never been a question of love. Never.
I want to be more like my own mom. I want Ayla to remember going to the movies on a random Wednesday night and having popcorn for dinner. I want her to laugh when she sees pictures from "back in the day" when I pushed her and her sibling up a huge hill in a wheelbarrow(we were NOT small kids). I want her to remember family vacations. When she gets older, I want her to realize what a labor of love being a mother is. No doubt, this is the hardest job I've ever had in my life but nothing could be better.
Today has been an amazing day. We met my parents at church and then had brunch reservations at the Prestige(YUM). Ayla got to give my mom {insert gift here, but later Grandma Carol hasn't gotten hers yet} she was very excited about it. Darren, Ayla and I hung out at home. Ayla and I napped together and I loved having her snuggle right in, she fits me perfectly. I'm certain that God does that on purpose. I got great presents and gorgeous flowers from Darren and Ayla, but really, they don't even matter. I just love being a mom and having a fantastic husband. I am blessed.
Darren snapped a couple of shots of Ayla and I before naptime. The sun was in our eyes and Ayla was being silly but I love them and my little miracle.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My little girly-girl

Ayla loves dress-up, earrings, bows, purses, SHOES, tutus - all of it really. I find it a bit funny because as a little girl I was the complete opposite. I climbed trees, caught snakes, played in the dirt and wore overalls or corduroy pants. My mom tried her darndest to put me in dresses but I would have none of it. I'm glad that Ayla is so girly because she's kind of like having a real life doll. She's fun to shop for and dress. She's my hobby! :)

Anyway, I went to get a pedicure the other day and Ayla wanted to go too...okay fine. When we got there she ran right up to the wall of polishes to pick her color...I have no idea how she knew what to's like she was born to be a princess. We picked our colors and I got started on my pedi. I look over and Ayla is sitting at the little table with her hands up on the counter. She had her fingernails and toenails polished, they even put flowers on her big nails. She was in love. I hope she doesn't get to used to this.....hahaha!!

The lady was so sweet to her!

Very proud of her big-girl self

Baby toes!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Does this match Mommy?

"Yes matches. Other foot please, we're going to be late for school."
"I think I need brown socks"
"Uh, we're going to wear white socks today...with your white shoes. Maybe you can wear brown socks tomorrow(when you're at home rather than school)"
"I need a necklace. I have to wear a necklace with my monkey shirt"
"Push you arms through....Okay, lets pick out a necklace"
"Do these bows match Mommy?"
"Head still, one more piggy tail left. Yep, the bows came with the outfit...Gymbo always matches"
"I love Gymbo Mommy!"

Is she not perfectly gorgeous?

Funny face!!

Monkey hoodie off to school you little monkey!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not me Monday.....

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. I decided to join in because it's kind of fun and a little like going to confession!

Hmmm, what have I not been doing for the last week?

I haven't dumped, I mean lovingly left my child with my mom on three separate occasions this week so that I could get things done at home for my house to be put on the market.

I haven't shown up at the dog park(with my 2 dogs of course) in pajama pants(okay, pajama shorts)with no underwear so my house could be shown. And I certainly wasn't running out the back door with my dogs as the realtor was opening the front door. Nope, not me.

And lastly, I haven't been secretly excited all day long knowing that tonight Darren and Ayla will go to gymnastics and I'll be home...ALONE!
I can't believe I forgot this one! I definitely didn't convince my husband that the reason I now need a cleaning lady weekly rather then bi-weekly is because our house is on the market!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dear Gigi and Papa.....

Okay, so you two are great parents...we turned out okay, right?? Well, decent anyway! You're loving, playful, kind and fun - I get that. But seriously, why is it that our daughter ranks you at a cool 10 and Darren and I are a 7 or so? I'm only half kidding.
***Ayla LOVES going to Gigi and Papa's house. She was there 3 times this week and even spent the night on Saturday. She was there from 1pm Saturday until 2pm Sunday. Do you think she wanted to come home? Nope. She actually ran to the neighbors yard trying to escape being strapped into the van. Luckily I had her Yo Gabba Gabba guys to bribe her with. She talks about them many times a day and is always sad to leave them(especially since it's just us she gets to go home with)***
So Mom and Dad, what do you do?? Is it the sweet treats? Is it trips to the toy store? I have a feeling that it has something to do with the fact that when she enters your presence, your world stops and becomes about her. She knows without even having to hear it that you love her. Whatever it is...thank you. This little girl of ours adores you and it melts my heart to see the relationship she has with you. As they say, it takes a village and you two are are very intricate part of her village. Love you!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Ayla got a package from the mailman today....

And she seriously believes that it is FROM THE MAILMAN, like he brings her gifts when he comes. We do Gymboree orders online and other random things so it isn't odd for us to get packages in the mail. In her two year old mind though, they are from the mailman. It cracks me up. One day Ayla was carrying around a little Gymbo purse and my mom asked her where she got it "from the mailman".

Anyway, Grandma Carol sent a package from her recent trip to the Mall of America. Ayla got a super cute outfit from Hanna Andersson...I LOVE it! She also got a Dora, star shaped, snow globe type thing filled with water, glitter and stars. She LOVES the star. Today for her nap, she slept in her new outfit with her star!

Thanks Grandma Carol.