Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best friends

It doesn't really matter how many fights you get into or who had which toy first.
It doesn't really matter that he may be taller or she may be more angelic.
She doesn't mind that he plays with trains more than dolls. He doesn't mind that she 'bakes cakes' all afternoon in her play kitchen.

What matters is that there are always more smiles and laughter than tears and that every tear is follwed by a hug and "I'm sorry"
It matters that when one is hungry, the other shares their snack and when one is cold the other shares their blanket

Life doesn't get any better than 3 year old best friends!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Isn't she gorgeous??

I mean, she's mine, of course I think she's gorgeous. But, isn't she??

Some Christmasy looking pictures. Church was cancelled because of the weather/snow so she didn't even get to wear her dress except for in these pictures!


Christmas was a funny one this year...for us here in the Big-O. It snowed and snowed and SNOWED some more. Church was cancelled, hooking up with family was out of the was weird, really. Darren's parents had come to town the previous Monday so they were here with us - safe and sound in the comfort of our warm and cozy, food-filled, Christmas-decorated home.
On Christmas morning, Tom brought my parents and Grant over with Sabrina and Alivia. Thanks goodness for Tom doing snow removal/plowing/etc and having a BIG truck! We ate, visited, opened presents, played with the kids, laughed, napped and had a really good time. Darren and our dads managed to put the air hockey table together in just under 2 1/2 hours :)
Ayla got more presents than any three year old should ever have and is in HOG-HEAVEN. I already cleaned out her playroom...out with the old and in with the new. Her favorites are her Leapster II(aka 'myyyyy videeeeo gaaame') and all things princess. I'm almost sure that my daughter was switched at birth for some other 2 1/2 lb neonate with red hair. She is the GIRLIEST girl I've ever known. I, on the other hand, am not. At all. Never was either. I have pictures of me at her age climbing trees in cut off jean shorts, no shirt or shoes to be seen. I wore boys underwear until I was 4 because I only wanted hulk and superman....Wonder Woman
was for sissies.
Darren and I had a nice Christmas too. He got an air hockey table and several other man things. I got drapes and home items I've been wanting. Darren surprised me with an AMAZING camera for my birthday/Christmas present. It's a Cannon Rebel something....I even got TWO lenses! I'm taking a class sometime soon to teach me how to use it, lol! I've been playing around with it and took my Christmas pictures with it. I have no idea how to upload them though. I guess that'll be next weeks chore.
Happy New Year!