Friday, January 28, 2011

Our family

It's grown. Quickly. We welcomed three foster children into our home today. Three beautiful, amazing children who have really been given a bad hand in the 'deck of cards' of life. They've had it rougher than any person should. It makes me sad for them. And happy for us, that they're here. It makes infertility seem like a problem that doesn't really matter at all. I look into the eyes of these small people and see love. After knowing us for a couple of hours, they have begun to call us "Mommy" and "Daddy". Of course that is wonderful to hear but it's sad to think that they'll just call anyone that, like it's a meaning-less name that refers to any adult who happens to be caring for them at the moment.

Ayla is in love with them, completely. She ADORES the fact that she is a "Big Sister" The kids seem to really love her too. They call her Sister Yay-la. There are three kids. Big guy turned four a couple of weeks ago. Little guy turned three in December and baby girl is 18 months(she turns two the same month that Livi does!).

The dynamics of our home have changed in an instant. It's hard. Bathtime and pj's were a huge fiasco. It was kind of funny, really. Darren and I kept looking at each other like 'What are we doing?!?!?!?!" It will calm down and if it doesn't, I guess we'll just get familiar with the chaos :)

Tonight, baby girl went down without a peep. The boys took longer but eventually zonked out holding onto paper hearts that Ayla cut out and colored for them. It melts me heart....

Anyway, I am unable to post their names/photos or personal information online. However, if I password protect my blog, I can. And I will. They are our family and BELONG in our blog. After tonight my blog will have a password for access. I will email the code out for those who I think follow, if I don't please email me. I'll send you the password.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our funny girl

This weekend Ayla made a little visit to Urgent Care, for a case of bronchiolitis. Albuterol nebulizer treatments as needed and she's good as new. She's funny though, it's obvious she comes from a medical family. At her visit when the doc asked what brought us in(he was talking to us, not Ayla), Ayla blurts out "Oh, I'm just wheezing again, even after my fog" very matter of fact. He laughed. We all did.

She had an xray of her chest and told the tech "I'm pretty nervous about this." She then took off out of the room and ran down the hall. I brought her back. I shut the door this time. When it was said and done she was very proud of herself.

This morning Ayla noticed that Fella had chewed a few of the feathers off of a pair of her dress up shoes. So I hear her talking to him. "Listen boy, this isn't good. You don't chew on feathers, they come from birds, but not real ones. Birds are not hot pink. I know I left them on the floor but I'm only 4, I don't always pick up my toys" It was so funny. He just sat there and stared at her as if he were considering he thoughts.

Friday, January 14, 2011

We're being teased.....

As you all know, we suffer from secondary infertility. We've gone as far as ivf and fet's to no avail. We've decided to grow our family in another way. We've always known we would do foster care and adoption, even before we knew of our fertility issues. Didn't exactly know when but God has shown us that the time is now.
We were officially licensed for adoption through foster care as of Jan 12,2011. We'd like sibling set of up to three kids in the newborn-4 year age range. Well, we got a call that very day about what sounded like a great match. Three boys - 12 days old, 18 months and a newly three year old. Sure, it would have been big ole houseful but we're ready for tha challenge! Anyway, the next day they let us know that they found placement closer to their original home(in Lincoln about 40+) miles away from us. Bummer.
We got another call yesterday afternoon for 3 boys - a 4 year old and 3 year old twins. Darren and I decide that they might be a little hard for Ayla to adjust to. Three wild boys all about her size would most likely intimidate her. So we passed on those sweet little guys.
We're hoping for another call soon. You know the phrase "Hurry up and wait!"
We've been doing lots of praying about this and we're certain that the right children will find us. We ask for your prayers that we are able to make good decisions for our family and follow God's will. I know He will show us the way...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A note from Ayla's teacher

Ayla and family -
I love having Ayla in class. Watching her grow and progress from last year to this has been great. She is smart, funny, polite and exactly what every teacher wants. You are a wonderful family that I have so enjoyed getting to know. You have raised a terrific girl, who will only do wonderfully great things. You should be very proud of Ayla and yourselves for nurturing such a great kid.
Miss Darcy
This was attached to a thank you note I received from Ayla's preschool teacher(for a Christmas gift). It made tears well up in my eyes, Darren's too. It's such an amazing feeling to know that other people in ths world see our little girl the way we do.