Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St Paddy's Day!

The Leprechaun came last night! The kids made a trap but that sneaky little guy got away. He did manage to eat all of the Lucky Charms cereal they left as bait though, and then he spelled out "Nice Try" in rainbow colored skittles.

He played many tricks while he was here, left curly green ribbons all over the house, replaced decorative candles with cans of soup, went potty in the toilet leaving the water green and his little green(paint) foot prints on the toilet seat. He covered the tv with a blanket, switched small pieces of furniture around and even turned our milk green!! He left this place a mess!

He was kind too though, he left the kids chocolate golden coins, green suckers and St Patrick's Day shirts. He also left some other various little green prizes. We're gonna catch him for sure next year!

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